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We need someone to advise our contractor

user-1053478 | Posted in Project Management on

We are building a home in Fairfield county, CT on a pre-existing foundation. Our contractor and designer are family, and although they are very good, they have limited experience building green homes. We would like to hire someone with experience that can work with us on an applying energy efficient design technique’s as well as insulation, HVAC and other green features. How do I go about finding a person that does that?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    My own focus is on energy efficiency, which I believe to be the most important attribute of a green home, by far. I suggest that you talk to local HERS raters (the RESNET website includes a list of HERS raters in your area), and ask them to name local builders or architects who have experience building homes with a very low HERS Index. Then interview the people they suggest, and hire one as a consultant.

  2. Expert Member
    ARMANDO COBO | | #2

    I agree with Martin, and coming from a similar point of view, a high performing home should have primarily good Indoor Environmental Quality and Durability as well. Unless you are willing to take on the challenge, expense, risk, possible mistakes and aggravations, I would look for an experienced high performing home Designer or Architect to work on your plans and specifications, and same on the builder. It is difficult to say no to a family member or friend who doesn’t have the knowledge and experience, but you’ll end up paying more in the long run, especially if this is your “last” house. I’ve seen it many times.
    It does takes years of knowledge and experience of working within a system for your region and climate zone, as there is a huge performance difference from houses designed and built by knowledgeable and experienced teams than those who are not.
    Another way to find these folks is to check with Designers and Builders that have several certified homes to national programs, like Energy Star, NAHB Green, LEED for Homes, Passivhaus or many good local programs.

  3. wjrobinson | | #3

    OK, I haven't clicked on every link at GBA. Question. Is there a link to professionals? Green builders, designers, Arch's, raters? Another site I may have to put up if you gents are not doing such. Do Yost or other advisor's hire out and have contact listed? Your Maine-iacs? They would be a good source of plan review unless they don't do that. Armando for his location. I am close to this posted thread location. Amando, do you list your contact info?

  4. Expert Member
    ARMANDO COBO | | #4

    I'm in NM, TX and the Southwest.... Gordon is in CT, I'm sure Martin knows folks up "nawth" in CT... maybe BSC in MA.

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