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We have had a dog kennel for several dogs which we plan to remodel

archarch | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

We have had a dog kennel for several dogs which we plan to remodel. It has had painted OSB as exterior siding for several years.

We want to add new plywood siding on top of the OSB. Do you think we should take OSB off and replace it or add paper and a rain screen or 3/9″ spacers so it can dry out? This is in n. CA. with lots of rain.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Painted OSB isn't really siding (unless this is a siding product that I'm unfamiliar with). Usually, OSB is applied to studs as a sheathing material.

    Ordinarily, a wood-framed wall has sheathing (for example, OSB); then a water-resistive barrier like asphalt felt or plastic housewrap; and then either siding, or a rainscreen gap plus siding.

    In your case, if you want to install plywood siding, make sure that it is a siding product (for example, T-111) and not ordinary plywood sheathing.

    If the OSB is in good shape, it should stay in place as your sheathing. Make sure it is well-fastened to the studs. Then install asphalt felt as a WRB and the siding of your choice.

    To determine whether you need a rainscreen gap, you might want to read this article: All About Rainscreens.

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