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Wall / Roof Drawing Feedback

steveodom | Posted in General Questions on

I’m attaching a drawing that my designer and I are working on. There are a few details off in the drawing, but I wanted to submit it here to get any feedback or suggestions.

From inside out, one side of my house will be:

1. 2×6
2. Zip panels
3. black UV protected WRB from Obdyke
4. Vertical 1×4 furring strips (likely taped with UV taped)
5. Horizontal 1×4 furring strips
6. 1×6 cedar planks with a half inch gap between the planks

The roof will be:
1. osb
2. underlayment
3. 1×4 furring strips laid on a 45 degree angle up the roof
4. Standing seam roof.

Where I particularly interested in feedback is the wall/roof transition. Right now in the drawing, the wall Zip panels aren’t flush with the roof decking. Before this gets corrected, I’d appreciate any suggestions on what this transition should look like. Taped along with some flashing?

I’m not sure we need to Coravent at the roof’s edge either.

Any tips on how far out the metal roof should come out to allow for drainage into gutters?


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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    Where are you building? A roof with no overhangs and a wall with open-cladding is a risky assembly in some climates.

    - Think through how you will detail that 45 degree strapping. What happens where they terminate at a gable end? How do those ones get vented and how would they drain any moisture that runs down them?
    - Why is there strapping on the roof?
    - You will need longer screws for the cedar cladding.

  2. steveodom | | #2

    I'm in zone 2, central Texas. The idea behind the open cladding was to increase the drying potential to help offset the risk of the no overhangs.

    The strapping on the roof would be to provide ventilation and a way for any moisture to dry. It's a cathedral type ceiling with no attic. My understanding is the metal roof manufacturers recommend a ventilation gap between the metal roof and the deck. In this case, the strapping is at a 45 angle to provide both the ventilation and the roof support rather than doing a two-layer, horizontal and vertical strapping.

    The gable end roof edge would have some vented Coravent type strapping to provide some screening. The 45 strapping would go to the edge of this Coravent.

    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3


      Sounds like you are in the right spot to use an open cladding and you don't need to worry about my first comment.

      With vents along the gables y0u will also have the air-movement you need. If there is no additional ventilation gap below the sheathing, make sure that use a permeable roof underlayment.

      Good luck with your build!

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