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Landscape Fabric Over Wet Substrate

idahobuild | Posted in General Questions on

Working on the gravel driveway and it just rained all over my nicely leveled ground.

Should the dirt be dry before I put the fabric down and cover it with 10 inch base material?



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  1. idahobuild | | #1

    Any thoughts on this?

  2. Malcolm_Taylor | | #2


    I don't see any reason to wait until it is dry.

  3. maine_tyler | | #3

    As you drive/pack over your gravel fill, water will likely percolate up through the fabric into your base. Not a problem.
    If your native soil is soft when wet, I would make some effort not to drive too much over thin gravel-- thicker gravel will distribute the load and prevent the fabric from being trenched down into a muck hole. (a tracked machine is likely not a concern-- a loaded dump truck has a lot of psi though).

  4. idahobuild | | #4

    Thanks All.

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