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Vinyl siding over stucco

Drkuklok | Posted in General Questions on

I have an older house 1952, it has a stucco exterior. I have added a garage to it and want to reside the whole house with vinyl to match the garage to the house. Can I apply my vinyl siding directly to the stucco without furring or house wrap? I plan to tapcon the siding to the walls.

Thank you,

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Using Tapcons to fasten vinyl siding sounds expensive and very labor-intensive. (Remember, vinyl siding fasteners have to allow the siding to be able to slide right and left, to accommodate expansion and contraction.) I'd be inclined to recommend that you first install furring strips (with Tapcons if necessary) and then install the vinyl siding to the furring strips with nails.

    I'm assuming that your house has concrete-block walls -- right? Otherwise, you wouldn't need Tapcons.

    If you follow my advice and install furring strips, you may be violating the installation instructions provided by the vinyl siding manufacturer. This is a contentious issue, so proceed with your eyes wide open. Here is a link to an article with more information: Can Vinyl Siding be Applied Over Furring Strips?

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