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Very good traditional plus energy architect?

Jason F | Posted in General Questions on

We are planning to build a new house. Our two primary requirements are that it be very traditional and energy efficient sustainable quality construction. We’ve found a few architects who are good on one but so far none who are good on both.

This will be fairly high-end with a $2m – $3m budget for the structure so we’re looking for someone who is well versed in this level of detail and aesthetic. Style is perhaps best described as 18th century upper east coast. We are in the ‘cold’ climate zone according to BSC and Energy Vanguard.

Having spent considerable time researching architects near us I’m confident that we will not find one who is local so we are expanding our search.

Any recommendations or direction is very appreciated.

Thank You.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    You might check out the homes featured in GBA's Green Homes section to see if any of the homes meet your taste. Most of the articles mention the name of the architect or designer of the featured homes.

  2. charlie_sullivan | | #2

    Another option to consider would be to hire a team that each bring different skills to the table. The key there would be to make sure that everyone on the team is willing to defer to the other(s) where they lack expertise. Having an architect, a builder, and an energy expert at the table together for initial planning can be good.

  3. user-2890856 | | #3

    Integrated project design is definitely the way to go . Identifying a quality architect whom understands what you are attempting is harder than it sounds . They are all the best there is yet most REALLY LACK the expertise you want .

    2 names of guys who get how to do what you want .

    Greg laVerdara

    Chris Laumer Giddens .

    Do not be intimidated by distance , and whatever you do , do not pick a GC first .

  4. Expert Member

    Greg LaVendra's portfolio is exclusively modernist architecture, not traditional. Chris Laumer Giddens does very nice neo-traditional projects. Dan Kolbert is being too modest. He and Kaplan-Thompson have done several of the best energy efficient, tradition houses on the East Coast.
    A flip through Fine Homebuilding's annual Housing Issue would yield a few more possibilities.

  5. dankolbert | | #5

    And even more, it might make sense to pick your contractor first. S/he will probably know some good architects to recommend. Much easier to find someone to design the house than to build it.

  6. dankolbert | | #6

    My parole officer thanks you for the kind words.

    And yes, Kaplan Thompson certainly could do it, and often work at a distance.

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