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Vent caps sans duct?

user-757117 | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

Does anyone know of a vent cap manufacturer that makes vent caps without a piece of duct already pre-attached?

I’ve got a “Heartland” vent cap for the dryer exhaust which works the way I’d like the rest of my caps to work – it installs over an existing piece of duct that protrudes from the wall.

I have looked at a few caps that don’t have duct attached but they were all cheap p.o.s…

All the higher-quality caps I’ve looked at have been riveted to their piece of duct and would not be easily seperated…

I need two 6″ HRV caps – one exhaust, one intake – and one 10×3 1/4″ cap for the range vent.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1
  2. user-1135248 | | #2

    What sort of wall penetration do your HRV hoses connect to, and how
    much of a thermal bridge might it be especially if metal?

    I just went through a similar shopping process but needed roof
    hoods *with* the duct fittings, and found the listings at Deflect-o
    helpful -- wound up with a pair of the DARC6 vents which still needed
    extensive modification for my use. They *are* cheap flimsy pos, but
    were inexpensive from and perfect for this because I was
    concerned about sitting too much weight on top of a PVC elbow and
    riser that comes up from the foundation wall.

    A bender and a good pair of snips can trivialize many of these
    application problems away...


  3. user-757117 | | #3

    Thanks, I forgot about Seiho.

  4. user-757117 | | #4

    Hobbit _,
    The HRV connects to the ports with flexible insulated ducting which can be used to cover the exposed metal on the interior side.

    The range vent duct is a bit more of a problem...
    There is a short stretch (2 1/2") after the duct leaves the wall and passes through an uninsulated service cavity before connecting to the range vent.
    I had been planning to use a little EPS to insulate the outside of the duct inside the service cavity, but I'm not sure how much this will help to mitigate the thermal bridge (since the duct is connected to a metal range vent unit).

    I've just been operating under the assumption that some of these thermal bridges are unavoidable...

  5. user-716970 | | #5

    Hi Lucas
    Have you considered duct free range hoods?

    Happy Thanksgiving to a fellow canuck!

  6. user-757117 | | #6

    Hi Garth,
    Yeah, we looked at some duct free options but neither of us could get too excited about filter maintenance.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too. We had a mish-mash of left-overs for dinner tonight. Hope you're enjoying the long weekend.

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