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Vapor retarder for walls in climate zone 4

rabbitcookies | Posted in Building Code Questions on

I have a building with wall types:

1. wood frame w/ batt insulation within stud space, no ci, exterior finishes – vinyl lap siding/board and batten, stone on metal lath over exterior plywood sheathing.
2. steel frame w/ batt insulation within stud space, R7.5 ci, exterior finishes – brick w/ air gap, vinyl lap siding/board and batten
3. CMU wall w/ R11.4 ci, not gyp furring wall inside
All walls above have weather barriers over exterior sheathing.

Per NJ building code 2021, 1404.3, it seems like;
1. the wood framing wall w/ vinyl siding is qualified for class III vapor retarders, but not the stone finish since there’s no air gap? 
2. the steel framing walls are qualified as class III vapor retarder since, in Table 1404.3(3), they are vented cladding over  gypsum
3. Do I need to add vapor retarder to the CMU walls?

Thanks for your input!

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