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Vapor barrier

m_uther | Posted in General Questions on

So where do you apply the termite treatment when placing on com. site?

It only make sense to get your sub grade, apply your termite treatment, then your vapor, then your gab, then your steel/wire, then your concrete.

Anything else would put your vapor at risk of being damaged, right?

That’s with 4 inch and 4 inch concrete.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I'm a little confused. I'm guessing that "com. site" refers to a commercial construction site.

    I have no idea what a "gab" is.

    I don't have any experience with termite treatment, but I advise you to contact the manufacturer of the chemical that you intend to apply to find out more about application recommendations.

    If you are worried about vapor barrier placement and the possibility of vapor barrier damage, you might want to read this article: Polyethylene Under Concrete Slabs.

  2. m_uther | | #2

    commercial site for sure GAB is a crush stone almost 99 per cent of com ,work you always termite treat the sub grade, A lot of the big box store spec the way I am use to which is sub grade treat soil poly 6mil or 10mil most spec 10mil then 6 inch crush stone compacted the stone protect the plastic/poly vapor barrier the rebar / weld wire place on stone with brick then 6inch of concrete that the only way not to have some kind issue with finish product / voids now I have place poly / plastic but on Form board when pouring freezer pit

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Ah, I see.

    G.A.B. = graded aggregate base
    G.B.A. = Green Building Advisor

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