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Utility of Flat Roof vs Shed Roof

shedworkshop | Posted in General Questions on

I’m still in the design stage and am debating switching my shed/workshop roof from a monoslope shed roof to a flat EPDM roof with a deck on top. Theoretically, a person could access the deck at their leisure, and it would add usable space to the top of the shed/workshop. For liability reasons, the deck would be “only for maintenance” though, with a fixed steel ladder for access.

Assuming overhangs, how would I handle the ladder access? The alternative is a roof hatch, which is $1k minimum.

Has anyone DIYed one of these before? Suggestions, advice? Diagrams attached for each design.

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  1. Expert Member


    I can't speak to how much use you will get having the deck - although my observations are these small perching areas work better as an idea than when built - but in terms of construction you are switching from perhaps the safest and best performing roof type to one that includes about as many risky elements as you can cram into an assembly.

    If you do decide to go that route I'd run it by your BI. I'm not sure simply calling a flat roofed building with decking on it by a different name will be a very convincing argument.

    1. shedworkshop | | #2

      Malcolm, this is the reality check I was hoping for. Part of me likes the idea of having the extra usable space, but when I add up the practicality, safety, and extra cost, it looks less and less worth it. Thanks!

      By the way, if anyone wants to follow along with my build, I've started documenting it at

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