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Unvented & unconditioned attic

PaperPlanes | Posted in General Questions on

I have a new construction ICF house in Pennsylvania with a framed roof and sprayed foam attic (R-38 closed cell in rafters). I plan on using the attic as a living space in about 5 years, but until then, what is the best and the most cost-effective way of conditioning the attic space. I have two AHU in the attic that serve the floor below and they were not sized to include the attic space.



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  1. DCContrarian | | #1

    The heating and cooling requirements of building are not determined by its space but by, well, its heating and cooling requirements. If you had a Manual J done then the entire building envelope should have been included. Unless there is insulation and air sealing between the attic and the floor below the attic is counted as conditioned space.

    1. PaperPlanes | | #2

      The heating and cooling calculations were done, but did not include the attic space as initially the insulation was supposed to be placed in the attic floor.

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