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Unvented Metal with Titanium PSU Underlayment

MTdoberman | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I have a few questions regarding my roof system. I am in climate zone 6. The current status is that the roof underlay is in place but there have been a few leaks between the underlay and roof decking. The underlay did not adhere exceptionally well. There were for sure some minor leaks during the dry in process around corners etc. Tin roof will go on with closure strips. Plan was to have closed cell spray foam under the deck as all ceilings are vaulted and there will be no attic space to vent. My questions are:

-Will the moisture that may have gotten under the underlay, but above the roof deck remain trapped or will it dry to the inside of the building before I spray foam? It will be at least a few months before any insulation happens under the roof deck.

-Closure strips on the metal roof seem like a bad idea to me as would elimintate any possibility of venting under the roof panels. During the install of tin, it has rained before ridge caps were installed so i feel rainwater has collected under the panels with the closure strips in place. Will this dry out with closure strips in place? Any input here?

-Would spray foam be a bad idea with this setup?

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