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Causes of Uneven Heating

allyg | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

Climate Zone 5

The second story front bedroom is very cold with cold floors. The back two kids bedroom are very warm, so warm that they open the windows during winter.

There is an unused chimney that runs up through the very cold bedroom. The cold bedroom faces southwest, I wouldve expected it to receive more solar gain than the back very warm bedrooms.

What are some potential causes/solutions?

Picture 1: the ceiling below the cold bedroom floor shown with a total of 7 insert ceiling lights.

Picture 2: Mechanical heating, installed 13 years ago

Picture 3: Placement of thermostat upstairs wall between the two very warm bedrooms on the back of the house and the very cold bedroom on front of the house, on the second floor. Could the placement of the thermostat be an issue?

Picture 4: radiant baseboard

Picture 5: Shows the front of the house, the second window is the window to the cold bedroom. Potential air leakage here causing the cold floor?

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  1. Expert Member
    PETER Engle | | #1

    This is going to be hard to diagnose remotely as there are so many possible causes for cold rooms. Air leakage is always the first thing to look at, with insulation following as a close second. You will be best served by hiring a local energy auditor who can use a blower door and infrared (IR) camera to help track down the culprits.

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