Undocumented Search Feature
I understand that GBA is working on improving some Features
meanwhile… I have stumbled onto this code which seems useful
(building-code-questions link not working)
(passivhaus link not working)
(plans-review link not working)
GBA Detail Library
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part
you can sort by "replies" and find questions that were never answered ...or
Questions with many replies/comments
So...for instance if you know the category...and about when the Question was first created
you can Sort by "created" date
You can also see which comments "you" have read
I don't know if there is a code that brings up and sorts ALL Questions
The GBA "search feature" is very quirky/almost useless
I have found a workaround using google search
I was looking for a blog where I knew the subject and 2 people who commented
In the Google Search Window I entered:
"Green Building Advisor" "Air Barrier" "Lucas Durand" "Michael Blasnik"
and there it was at/near the top of the Google List
That's pretty cool.
Did you use an html tag in the body of your post that references the different categories?
If so what tag is it?
We're very aware of the limitations of the GBA Search box. We're working to improve it and eliminate all the bugs.
My own method is similar to yours -- use Google:
"Words I want to search for" +greenbuildingadvisor
That works better than the GBA search box, unfortunately -- at least for the time being.
Lucas, I was lazy ... I just pasted the raw code
see attached snipit
not sure why it works for some categories and not others like passivhaus
This link is handy if you want to see if new comments (unread by you) have been added to one of Martin's Blogs
How are you able to find GBA pages that I didn't even know existed?
Here's a question: how is the page you linked to any different from the one you reach when you click the "Musings of an Energy Nerd" link on the "Most Recent Blogs" page? In other words, this page:
Martin, look below each article....
If there are (new to you) unread comments ...
it will look like this(see attachment)
and if you click it will take you to the most recent page
Interesting. (I didn't see that feature because there are no "new to me" comments.) Thanks for sharing your discovery.