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Understanding RLS3H specifications

srivenkat | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Hi All,

I am looking at the specs on the below page and have a couple questions:–ASU9-15RLS3_H1.pdf

1. On the Specifications page on PDF page 9, the ratio of Btu/h to kW stays the same (about 3409) for Min and Max Heating Capacity specified, across all the 3 models (9RLS3, 12RLS3 and 15RLS3). Does that mean the 15RLS3 will be operating at the same efficiency as the 9RLS3 when it modulates down to 3100 Btu/h, for example?

2. I am also trying to understand the “Input power” line on the same page vis-a-vis the kW mentioned in the “Capacity” lines.

Thanks in advance.

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  1. srivenkat | | #1

    I have found that 3411 Btu/h equal 1kW, so that seems to explain what I mentioned in question 1. I would be grateful for an explanation of what "Input power" in question 2 above signifies.

  2. srivenkat | | #2

    Would I be correct in taking Input Power as power for the inside unit (wall-mount) whereas the Total Capacity tables on PDF page 16 show the total input power to the outside unit which supplies a portion of it to the inside unit?

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