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Turning a traditional bathroom into a wet room.

Ogmrfixit | Posted in GBA Pro Help on

Anyone have suggestions on how to waterproof the entire floor to drain properly….my space is limited and my drain pitch is maxed……fyi this is in the basement.

Thank you in advance

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    I'm not sure what you mean by "my drain pitch is maxed." I'm guessing that you mean something like, "The white object to the right of the toilet is the floor drain, and the floor drain can't be lowered any further because of the slope of the existing drain pipe."

    Here's the thing, O.G.: We're not going to describe every step of a large remodeling project like this. We have no idea whether or not you have construction and remodeling skills. If you do, you might want to ask a very specific and narrow question, and perhaps we can help. (You should realize, however, that this web site focuses on issues related to energy efficiency and environmentally appropriate home design.)

    If you feel overwhelmed by the details of completing this project, I suggest that you hire a contractor.

  2. user-2890856 | | #2

    Start by moving that drain from the center of the room to one end or side . This will allow you to not work with four different pitches to the drain . Look into a linear drain also . Seems that the drain could be lowered in it's present position , I would still move it though , this will not be difficult .

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