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CCM_CONSTRUCTION | Posted in General Questions on

Good evening all,

I was watching Risinger build show and it featured the tstud insulated framing studs.

Look intersting but wondering if someone here have took a closer look?


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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo | | #1

    Hey Eric,

    There has been some discussion here (links below). And we'll be taking a closer look at them in an article soon.


    Thx Brian, I will take a look and looking forward to GBA review.


  3. ndbauer | | #3

    I am intrigued by the Tstud as well but am wondering if there is any concern about a firestop. Any thoughts on this concern if the top plate and bottom plate are a Tstud as well?

    1. ndbauer | | #4

      Found my answer. Doesn’t seem to be a concern but I can’t imagine our local inspector will be very excited about it. He already was unimpressed with the when I ran it by him.

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