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Tosot Heat Pumps

Andy2022 | Posted in Mechanicals on

We’re going all electric in Zone 7A so want a cold climate heat pump capable of -30C. We’re getting some pricing on the Mitsubishi Zuba, but our builders HVAC contractor can also install Tosot (Gree subsiduary).

Their Apex centrally ducted line has very similar specs to the Zuba units (eg. 78% capacity at -30C) and the only negative seems to be that they don’t have quite the same modularity. Pricing according to the contractor is about half that of a Zuba.

There’s limited third party information online about their products. Has anyone used or installed them? I’m mostly considering reliability and whether their specifications are accurate in real world usage.

NEEP chart (location not accurate)!/product/33672/-16/22000/MT/727770/1

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  1. Expert Member
    Akos | | #1

    That looks like a Gree Flexx unit. These are also used by GE for their line of cold climate units, so I hope somebody has done their homework.

    When it comes to cooling and heating equipment, if the spec sheets says a certain output, it will deliver it. A HVAC equipment manufacturer would not be in business for long if this wasn't the case.

    Provided you can get local support (which sound like the case), since the price is right and specs are good, I would have no qualms about using it. If you want a piece of mind you can always install a strip heater. 24kBTU is only 7kW, so not that big of a strip heater and extra load on your service.

  2. Andy2022 | | #2

    Great, thanks for responding and useful info.

    It can be a bit annoying with all the rebranding of essentially the same equipment, but at least it gives more options I guess..

    Backup strip heater will be installed for the extra cold days, whether we end up going Mitsubishi or Tosot.

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