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Todol Purstick for adhering subfloor?

ken_o | Posted in General Questions on

Does anyone have any experience using Todol’s Purstick foaming adhesive as an alternative to conventional caulking-gun construction adhesive to adhere the subfloor to the joists? I will be using 3/4″ OSB T&G subfloor and TJI 210 (2 1/16″ wide) joists. This will be nailed together also.

Pur Stick

This is sounding like a good product, with overall cost lower than the tube adhesive. I’m wondering if it is too good to be true…


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  1. Expert Member


    I've seen the ads for a couple of years now, but never seen the product on a site. That may mean nothing more than builders are conservative and slow to adopt new products, but it sure hasn't caught 0n around here anyway.

  2. Patrick_OSullivan | | #2

    Can't vouch for that product in particular, but Advantech Subfloor Adhesive ( is excellent and widely available. I wouldn't hesitate to use it again.

    1. ken_o | | #3

      Patrick--This sounds encouraging. I'm not planning to use the Advantech subfloor system. Does this stuff work with regular T&G OSB, and does it work with any (such as Pageris) gun or do I need to use their gun? Thanks for the info.

      1. Patrick_OSullivan | | #4

        Should work with any normal sheathing and joist combination. You just won’t get their squeak free guarantee that they advertise.

        It works with standard foam guns. I recommend one with a longer nozzle so you’re not bending over the whole time.

  3. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #5

    Ken, I have used cases of Todol Pur Stick but not for subfloors. I think it would work fine for that, though, and they list subfloors as a suitable use on their website. With no solvents or VOCs it's nicer to work around than most adhesives.

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