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TJI floor joist spacing

user-7360669 | Posted in General Questions on

What would be a good spacing for my TJI for 3 inch concrete slab on 3/4 osb?  Would  16” O.C. be suffice? And On a 37’ span what would you recommend as far as beam placement for best load support

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  1. Expert Member

    User ...669,

    Go to your supplier. Their engineer an give you all the possible options.

  2. gawdzira | | #2

    It depends. How far will it fall when it collapses?
    Seriously, this is a question for Your Engineer, not the internet.

  3. Expert Member
    Akos | | #3

    I think this needs to be rephrased as a GBA question first. Details of TJI spacing and loading doesn't feel very "green".

    P.S. One problem with that much concrete is that floor will have very low resonance frequency. You might need to beef up your TJI and get the floor stiffness above loading needs so you don't get too much floor bounce.

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