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time scheduling a “dumb” electric water heater

Trevor_Lambert | Posted in General Questions on

I just got an EV, and switched to an ultra low overnight rate plan. The cost of getting this ultralow overnight rate ($0.068CAD/kWh, delivery, taxes, regulatory charges included) is an exorbitantly high peak rate of $0.324 from 4-9PM. Aside from the EV, my biggest energy users are space heating/cooling and water heating. I can already time schedule my heating/cooling, and I’d like to do the same with the water heater. Unfortunately, the heater itself has no programming capability. Is there a solution that’s worth the time and effort? My current best idea is to install a relay to disconnect water heater, which I’d plug into a GreenDot timer I already have. I know there are smart breakers, but I’m assuming those aren’t meant for large numbers of on/off cycles and I’m also guessing they aren’t cheap.

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  1. DennisWood | | #1

    What is the amperage/voltage on the water heater?

    1. Trevor_Lambert | | #2

      240V, 19A

    1. Trevor_Lambert | | #4

      The ROI on that might be too long, but it did send me down a path to find a non-wifi version for under $20, so thanks.

      1. paul_wiedefeld | | #7

        Can you share the one you found?

          1. dalee | | #12

            I would strongly recommend against wiring an unlisted device - or even plugging one in. In Canada you want to look for an accepted certification like CSA or CUL. If it starts a fire is your insurance still valid? (I don't trust anything electrical from an unknown off-shore company even if they claim the device is listed; it's not worth the risk.)

  2. jwolf1028 | | #5

    I think this could also work. I use one in my vacation home to turn the tank off when I’m away on a schedule.

    1. Trevor_Lambert | | #6

      Looks like it would work well, but not sure it's worth the price ($150) when I can get a relay timer for $15. It also appears to be one of those things that will cease functioning if the company goes under, which I try to avoid.

        1. MartinHolladay | | #10

          Another vote in favor of a tried-and-true mechanical timer from Intermatic. Simple, foolproof, dependable.

  3. dalee | | #9

    I plan on using a contactor (high current relay) and something like the Shelly Plus to control the contactor. This will stay on schedule better than a mechanical timer, and I bet it's cheaper too.

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