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Tilt/Turn window preference

conwaynh85 | Posted in General Questions on

Musings of an Energy Nerd 

What Windows Should I Buy?


The age old question with a subjective answer no one can agree about.  What brand of window should I buy.  I was going through the previous article and noticed one person said we could do this every two years because it changes so much.  Having said that, I’m looking for a reasonably priced Tilt/Turn UPVC window.  I would prefer a US made window and local support to Central NH.  I’m building a PGH single family house in Conway NH, Zone 6.  I was looking at Logic from Pinnacle Window, Schuco or Salamander from Performance Building Supply, or Alpen window in Colorado.  Does anyone have experience or guidance that they can share?  Thanks

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  1. 54fighting | | #1

    I’m doing the same in southern NH, but a remodel. I think I’ve decided on Schuco. Makrowin look really nice, but I’m painting and they’re very expensive. Promo aside, Baczek did a video on his trip to the Schuco CT factory. I found the construction process to be impressive.

    1. conwaynh85 | | #2


      I like the Schuco, but was just told by Zoe Konstantino at Performance building supply

      "We do not carry any window profiles made in the USA. Schuco no longer manufactures here, and when they were, it was only a select few Aluminum only commercial projects. They stopped production because all their components are made in Europe and shipping them to the US for fabrication was not cost effective."

      So it appears that they are no longer made in CT.

      1. 54fighting | | #5

        Bummer. You’re right; they closed the CT facility at the end of 2023.

        If you haven’t already, you might check out this thread on Alpen.

  2. nynick | | #3

    I purchased all my windows in 2023 for my new garage project and my total house renovation project from Alpen. So far we've installed all the windows in the garage, including the apartment above it, which we're now living in while the house is renovated. We're are very happy with the Alpen product. The quality is great.

    We had 3 issues that were resolved without delay from Customer Service. It took a while to get the new sashes, but they were replaced at no cost to us. I found the Customer Service to be cooperative and easy to deal with.

    When I was shopping windows, I found Alpen was about 23% more expensive than a good quality Marvin double glazed and about the same for Shuco et al. Shuco made me nervous with their container shipping and lead time. The problem with Alpen is you pay for shipping, whereas with a local lumberyard selling you Marvin, they ship for free to your house. In my case in CT, that was $4K plus dollars.

    But I'd buy them again. Nice, high quality windows that close like a vault. You can't even feel the outside temperature when touching the inside of the glass. There is no condensation either. I love 'em and Nate was very accessible and easy to deal with.

    1. conwaynh85 | | #4

      nynick, Thank you for the information. What were the issue with your sashes?

      1. nynick | | #7

        It was a dumb manufacturing mistake. We specified 6 over 6 mullions to mimic old fashion double hungs so we could maintain the historic look of our old house. Two sashes had the wrong spacing of the mullions on the bottom part of the window, which then didn't line up with the other windows next to them. BTW, these windows are 36x60.... pretty big.

        Since the mullions are installed by the factory and can't be changed in the field, they manufactured 2 NEW 36x60 triple glazed sashes and sent them out to me at their cost. Took 4-5 weeks but had to be expensive to do so.

        The other issue was one screen showed up kind of not installed properly. They replaced that too.

  3. maine_dorothy_2 | | #6

    conwaynh85; After considering some of your options above, we ended up buying from Mathews Brothers Windows based in Belfast Maine (since 1854!) for our PGH house now under construction. They do not carry tilt and turn; we purchased mostly casement. Their R-values were good, their prices very good, and nice options for exterior color and interior finish. My contractor is very impressed with them.

  4. bwsct | | #8

    I'm looking for Tilt/Turn windows myself in CT and have read a lot of negative info on Alpen from the quality they are making lately. Otherwise would have loved to use them.

    Anyone used or heard anything about Klearwall windows?

    1. conwaynh85 | | #9

      Alpen has been very prompt with service, but I have heard of some quality issues as well.

      1. bwsct | | #10

        What are some tilt turn window companies you had considered?

        1. conwaynh85 | | #13

          bwsct, I have considered using Logic, Shuco, Salamander and Alpen.

    2. nynick | | #11

      Please elaborate on what type of quality issues you've heard about. Mine seems just fine.

      1. bwsct | | #12
        1. nynick | | #16

          Ouch!...haven't had any of these issues myself.

  5. bob_swinburne | | #14

    I recently purchased and installed Salamander windows through European Architectural Supply. I am super impressed thus far. The company is excellent to work with and the product seems quite comparable to but less expensive than similar windows such as those made by Shuco or Zola. There was no minimum order which is good for me as I will be purchasing in three rounds as I do the work on my own house.

    1. conwaynh85 | | #18

      Bob, thats great to hear about Salamander, thanks.

    2. Tim_O | | #19

      We are likely going with Salamander. I have a corner sample sitting in my basement, and the price was hard to beat. Salamander has been around for a while. My wife recognized them as a shoe brand. Turns out, same company at one point.

  6. Trevor_Lambert | | #15

    I'm also wondering about this for my workshop, but in Ontario, Canada.

    Also, thanks to the GBA team for finally fixing the screen name editing. I don't know when this happened, because it's been quite a while since I last tried.

  7. jackofalltrades777 | | #17

    I believe even the best manufacturer will occasionally have a quality control issue. Main point is how does the warranty department respond and are they willing to step-up and resolve the issue.

    Buying windows from Europe is a huge risk with lead times, shipping and getting replacements. Not to mention if the window goes through elevation changes, the risk of the window imploding/exploding at the site due to pressure changes.

    1. PJ109 | | #20

      Have you considered Innotech windows?

      1. conwaynh85 | | #21

        Pj109, I've comsidered them, but dont know much about them. I would prefer a US made window or one that I can purchase through someone locally. Have you installed Innotech windows?

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