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Tiled shower and backerboard

casadia | Posted in General Questions on

I have heard that green board for tiled shower backerboard is out of favour and has been replaced with Hardi Board – Dens Glas – or Wonderboard. Please confirm.

My builder has installed Greenboard in the shower and bathtub areas. I am a bity nervous over the installation. Which is the industry prefered backerboard?



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  1. davidmeiland | | #1

    The orange material poking up from behind those tiles is Schluter "Kerdi", which is a waterproofing material applied to the face of drywall, cement board, or other backerboards approved by the manufacturer. If it's done right, the substrate never gets wet. Your installer does not have Kerdi on the walls, which is a critical mistake.

    If you take more photos and post them on the John Bridge tile forums, you'll get a tidal wave of comments on the installation. Of course you can also look up Schluter's installation instructions on their site.

    Greenboard used to be tiled directly, and probably some people still do that. It is not a good practice in a wet area.

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