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Thin Brick – Mounting Systems and Rainscreen Requirements

RyanEstrada | Posted in General Questions on

I’m looking at cladding our house in thin brick (something like this product: since we do not have a brick ledge. Labor costs seem very high, but while I have done some tile and stone work before, the scope of this job is pretty daunting.  I’m thinking of using a mounting system like this that seems DIY friendly and would presumably speed up the process a lot by eliminating the need for rainscreen, lath and scratch coat:worker installing mortar between thin bricks on a thin brick metal panel

Does anyone have experience with or educated opionions on these? I have zip sheathing–do I still need a rainscreen behind this panel system if the panel system has a built in drainage gap? It may help to know that we’re in climate zone 3 and we get about 30″ of rain per year.


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