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Choosing Between Spray Foam Products

josephny | Posted in General Questions on

I had arranged to have Spraytitle LWP-L sprayed and was just told that BASF has a shortage and there will be an indefinite delay.

The contractor has suggested we change to Rhino Linings Thermalguard CC2.

Does anyone have any experience with this product?

Any reasons I should or should not go with the CC2?

Thank you!

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  1. josephny | | #1

    Has anyone ever used or heard of this stuff?

  2. user-2310254 | | #2


    I don’t have any experience with this product, but the company’s website notes that the ECO version that a GWP of 1, which is a plus. It only can be installed in 4 inch lifts however.

    1. josephny | | #3

      Thanks very much -- that's a positive.

      I'll be going forward it. Happy to report back.

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