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Therma-tru Door Configuration

ranson | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I’ve seen recommendations for Therma-Tru doors with their Multi-Point Locking System as a reasonably priced energy-efficient 8′ entry door.. For anyone who has gone this route, would you be willing to share how you configured your doors? They have a lot of options for sills, corner pads, weatherstripping, etc. I’m curious what other folks have purchased, and what seems to have worked well.

My house will be in zone 5 near Rochester, NY. My doors will be in-swing to keep snow from blocking the door.



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  1. brp_nh | | #1

    We have the standard height (6'8") Smooth Star, 3' width, inswing, with multi point lock system for our two entry doors. It's a very simple configuration of smooth face with glass (no grills or dividers) on upper half of doors. We got the Composite Adjustable Sills, Sill Pans, and Dual Bulb/Fin sweeps. The corner pads and weatherstripping are probably whatever comes as standard. I believe we paid around $600 per door at the local building supply place.

    I don't have experience with more expensive doors, but we've been happy with ours and the seal is good. We're in NH (zone 6) and the house tested under Passive House levels for air tightness.

  2. ranson | | #2

    Hi Brian,

    Thanks for the photos and info. $600 sounds like a steal. I was under the impression that the multi-point locking system was $600 on its own.


  3. brp_nh | | #3

    I'm sure the price would be higher with 8' doors and more complicated glass/design options. The doors might have been $650+ each, but I know they were definitely less than $700.

  4. Expert Member

    The multi-point locks add $400 to $500 installed up here in BC - but we pay a lot more for almost everything.

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