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The website is down at least twice per day.

nvman | Posted in General Questions on

IMHO, the website is down at least twice per day and it is happening more frequently than when it originally occurred. It used to be several days apart. Have the IT experts reviewed the database settings?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    All of us here at GBA are just as frustrated as you are by the website glitches. Taunton Press has contracted with an outside firm which is now rebuilding the website from the ground up.

    Again, I apologize to GBA readers for all of the problems.

  2. DanaStouns | | #2

    This could be due to a problem with your site's database, especially if the problem occurs on a regular basis. One possible reason for this behavior could be deterioration in database performance due to increased load or database failures. This may result in intermittent periods of site unavailability and problems with content display.

    To diagnose the problem, it is recommended to analyze error logs and monitor the operation of the database during failures. This will allow you to identify specific problematic queries or operations that may be causing failures. It is also a good idea to check database resource usage during peak load times to determine if there are performance issues with query processing.

    Additionally, it is worth paying attention to the hardware on which the database is hosted, as well as the settings of the database environment, to ensure that the resources are sufficient to ensure stable operation.

    Having identified problem areas, you should begin optimizing queries, database structure, or hardware. You may also need to expand your hardware resources or conduct extensive testing to identify database bottlenecks and make necessary changes to stabilize your site.

  3. DerekBroun | | #3

    These types of database problems can be caused by various factors, including increased load and performance issues. Based on experience, I can recommend paying attention to the company DBServ . They specialize in database support services and managed DevOps. Their experts can audit your database, identify bottlenecks, and offer solutions to optimize performance and stability. I recommend contacting them to get qualified help in solving a problem with your website. Hope this helps you cope with your current situation!

  4. Expert Member
    DCcontrarian | | #4

    Site reliability seems much improved. Now we just need to address spam.

  5. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #5

    They are proving hard to automatically weed out. When I see them I report them to Kiley, who manually deletes them.

    1. Expert Member
      DCcontrarian | | #6

      Thanks. I didn't realize that was an option.

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