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The joys of insulating…

user-757117 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

What is the best way to insulate around the corners of rigid round duct using foil-faced blanket type duct insulation?

Make a “sock” and coax it around the corners and don’t worry about bunching?

Snip out pieces and try to form something like an elbow while generally making a mess and wasting time?

Something else?

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  1. user-945061 | | #1

    I usually wrap round rigid metal with R8 flexible duct rather than blankets. I don't worry about the corners, but my main application is exhaust fan ventilation. I haven't looked that closely, but would bet that the flex does corners a bit better than blankets, which are a pain.

  2. user-945061 | | #2

    Deleted duplicate.

  3. user-757117 | | #3

    Thanks, I only have to do about 20' of 6" round duct for HRV intake and exhaust.
    Mostly straight with a few elbows but you're right - they're a pain.

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