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The “Adjustable Window Buck” Challenge

D8nzvvJTAf | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I have had this thought for some time, since delving into the 2nd rounds of the deep energy retrofit work here at NYSERDA. We know the work is important, we know it makes sense, and we know it costs a lot to do it. One of the lacking ingredients in the deep retrofit work is a “technical device” that people actually can see, since most of the work is just “brute force labor, good building science, and hard work”. One of the technical devices that I feel could help “propel” some of this work is a “dynamic, adjustable window buck”. I know that sounds corny, “you are whacked Greg!, are you getting enough sleep Greg?”, but yes I do think this is something that would be of value if created, made robust and a simple solution.

My challenge to you all, is look over the attachments (current practice vs. buck future), give it some thought and if nothing else, pass it along to some of your colleagues who may have inventive minds. If this is a possible solution, it might be something that could be embraced. I can “find” money to support something like this.

I’m not baring any funding for this just yet, but I wanted to “straw poll” my colleagues out there and see what you think. I have also forwarded some thoughts to Gary Nelson of Energy Conservatory, for it is his blower door frame in which I am basing the initial concept on, that could lead to a solution.

O.K., when you get done laughing at me, give this some thought and I’d love to hear from you.

Gregory A. Pedrick, C.E.M.
Project Manager Buildings R&D – NYSERDA

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  1. jhrockwell | | #1

    Hi Greg,

    The recent GBA post about "Dudley Boxes" got me thinking about your adjustable buck post. They used all the same buck sizes and adjusted the interior trim to accommodate the different RO's. I realize this isn't quite what you're after, but a start maybe?


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