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Tempered windows – Basement

fromPok | Posted in General Questions on

Does anyone guide me if tempered windows are required for basement windows?

Window sizes 36″x18″ Sill height from inside 7′
Window sizes 72″X 52″ Sill height from inside 44″

Thank you

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  1. Expert Member


    What building code are you under?

  2. fromPok | | #2

    Malcom, Newyork state and the basement is unfinished.

  3. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #3

    A seemingly little-known clause of the IRC is that windows with glazing less than 9 square feet never needs to be tempered; assuming that's what NYS follows, your first window is exempt:

    The larger window is big enough that window manufacturers would likely temper the glazing whether required by code or not, I believe for its additional strength. But for code requirements, it would only be required if it falls within one of these parameters:

  4. fromPok | | #4

    Mike - Thank you.

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