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Community and Q&A


Daniel Morrison | Posted in General Questions on


We have been doing some back-end development work on GBA and had a ‘permissions’ issue creep in. A lot of people experienced problems, but the problems were not visible to Martin and I because we are administrators will full permissions.

Things should be back to normal now, and if it happens again, we now know how to solve the problem. We have some developers working right now on tracking down the source of the problem, so please have patience with us if things continue to be a little sub-optimal over the next day or so.

Thanks for hanging in there and supporting GBA,
[Original post]
Someone seems to have tripped over a cord in the GBA cubicle. If you are not signed in, the site appears strange.

1. We are aware of the problem and are working on it.
2. Please sign in to GBA so that you do not experience this problem
3. Thank you.

Please report any collateral damage here.
Thanks for your patience.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    GBA readers,
    We apologize for the technical problems on our site on Wednesday March 14 and Thursday March 15, 2012.

    We're aware of several problems, including some very big ones: most of the items that belong on our home page have disappeared, and most links to our blogs and articles don't work.

    We're sorry -- and we're working hard to fix the problems.

    Thanks for your patience.

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