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Tapes for use with Henry VP100

Meddle | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

My Problems:

I am replacing the windows in my home, which is located in climate zone 5, and found that the builder didn’t use a WRB underneath the vinyl siding (The home was built in 1999) or install any kind of sill pan, tape, etc.. The vinyl siding is also stapled to the OSB at random intervals that don’t line up with the studs. To improve the air and water sealing of the wall I am planning to entirely remove the vinyl siding on every wall that has a window, seal all of the holes / gaps possible, and install Henry Blueskin vp100. Eventually, when we replace the siding, we will install the vp100 on all the other walls.

My Questions:
Has anyone used Siga Fentrim with/under Henry Blueskin vp100? I would like to use this tape to seal the OSB to the concrete stem wall and then install the vp100 over the Fentrim on the OSB, for a shingle style install. I am concerned that the vp100 won’t stick to the Fentrim so I bought some of the Henry primer, but I am uncertain as to whether the primer could damage the Fentrim. Note: Once the siding is reinstalled about 1/2″ of the Fentrim will be visible on the stem wall, which is why I’m not trying to wrap/install the vp100 in this area.

I am also hoping / planning to use ZIP System tape for the sill pans, window flanges, header tape, etc… Has anyone used these two products together or found them to be incompatible? I am having a hard time finding the Henry tape products at a reasonable price and I haven’t been able to find any independent tests/reviews on them, which makes the ZIP tape seem like a better way to go.

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  1. Expert Member
    Akos | | #1

    The acrylic adhesive of the VP100 tends to stick quite well to most surfaces, I doubt you'll have problems. Also since the tapes are shingles, how well it sticks doesn't matter for WRB performance.

    I've used 3m8067 over VP100 without issues, it is readily available at a reasonable cost.

    1. Meddle | | #3


      Thanks for the info about your experience with the 8067 over VP100. I had considered using this tape vs the zip system tape, but didn't know how well it adhered to the Henry WRB. Out of curiosity, did you find that the 3m tape has sufficient stretch to minimize wrinkles in the corners when applying a butterfly or corner gusset?

    2. Expert Member
      Michael Maines | | #5

      The adhesive in Blueskin VP100 is partly or mostly butyl.

  2. stamant | | #2

    Henry/Carlise has a whole suite of compatible, tested materials -- Henry LF; WP200; BES925; henry 212; fortiflash and the liquids 17MR, 33MR.

    stick with one manufacturer so that you have tested compatibility and standard details. if you really want to use peel and stick, then use fortiflash or wp200 strips.

    I am not a fan of zip system and would rather install a dedicated air barrier, preferably liquid applied.

    1. Meddle | | #4

      Thanks for mentioning the WP200, which I hadn't run across yet. It looks like another asphalt/butyl membrane, which is similar to the fortiflash that I have found available? At this point I am leaning toward an acrylic adhesive tape because they are thinner and adhere better without the need for primers, etc.

      1. stamant | | #6

        Primer is one more step; you could look at Henry PE200HT which is generally primer-less. Material thickness mostly is an issue because of overlaps and at inside corners because of the sealant fillets underneath the material — this can mean you need to use a trim which you can back-bevel, limiting your choices.

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