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Wiring a Panasonic WhisperValue Bath Fan – same or diff than WhisperGreen series?

user-5946022 | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

I have Panasonic’s FV-0510VS1 WhisperValue DC Fans as the exhaust fans in the bathrooms and am trying to determine the best setup for these in a “Pretty Good House.”
1.  These function as bath exhaust fans only; the house also has 2 Panasonic ERV’s that are totally separate.
2. These are ducted with short runs to the exterior with Panasonic EZ vent at exterior.
3. If you remove the grill, these exhaust fans have 2 items in addition to the fan – a condensation sensor – a dial to set RH that also has a switch to set the fan at 50/80 or 100 cfm

In googling around it appears the Panasonic WhisperGreen series has a wiring scenario whereby the sensor is always “on” to allow the fan to turn on when the humidity gets past the setpoint, and a wall switch can override when the fan is off,  and turn on the fan at low humidity for smells, but cannot override when the sensor turns the fan on for high humidity. 1. Can I apply the same Whisper Green series wiring method 3 directions described at the link below to my WhisperValue fans? 2.

If the above will work, does anyone have a link to a specific decora wall switch that will further “simplify” this so that when the wall switch is manually turned on, the fan only runs for 10 mins, then automatically turns off if the condensate sensor does not call for it to run?  I know I could get switches with optional 5/10/15/20 min buttons, but these all also have a continuously on button or press & hold override.  I’m trying to take away the ability for someone to intentionally turn it on to run continuously and forgetting to turn it off, as well as simplify the switches…

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    I'm not sure how to do it with an integral moisture sensor. The way I've always done it is to send the incoming power to both a wall switch with timer, and to a separate wall mounted humidity controlled switch, then send both to the fan. Then there is no way for one to turn off the other.

    This is the timer I use, which can't be left on for more than 30 minutes.

  2. user-5946022 | | #2

    The Panasonic wiring diagram for the WhisperValue - attached- seems to make a distinction between a control switch and a power switch. If you left the power switch off,
    - would the fan always have "standby" power for the condensate module to allow the condensate module to control the fan?
    - would this consume too much power on standby?
    - would the control switch override the condensate module control?
    - Is there a way to limit the length of time the control switch overrides the condensate module control? - ie not allow users to turn on the fan forever, just a preset increment of time, or several preset time increments?

    1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3


      No. The black wire, on which the power switch is located is where the line voltage comes from. If you interrupt it by turning the power switch off there is no way for power to get to the fan. No standby power, no power at all.

      Method #3 on the link you posted is how the fan has to be wired for both the integral humidity sensor and a switch to work, but to answer your original question I don't know if that is possible or not with the fans you have.

      1. user-5946022 | | #5

        Thank you. I worded my question poorly - by "leave the power switch off" I meant not installing it - installing only the control switch, so there is only one switch at the wall. With that clarification I think we are saying the same thing...

        1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #6


          Yes. I bet it will work as you want it to wired that way.

  3. Deleted | | #4


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