Stucco for floors?
i am attempting to find information on DIY method for applying stucco to floors. Have not be able to find info on Internet and just checked amazon for books with no luck.
I would like to do our kitchen, dining area and entryway floors in a charcoal coloured stucco…with some color gradations in it…..would appreciate help!!!
Thanks, aasta
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Stucco is a cement-based plaster, traditionally made from Portland cement and sand. (Modern stucco formulations often include a variety of additives.)
Depending upon the ratio of cement, sand, and water, stucco is fundamentally no different from mortar or grout.
None of these products -- stucco, mortar, or grout -- makes a durable floor. For a durable floor, you need concrete. Concrete is basically stucco, mortar, or grout -- that is, cement, sand and water -- with pebbles (crushed stone) added.
Technically, the crushed stone used to make concrete is called "large aggregate." Concrete can be ordered with different sizes of large aggregate; the thinner your slab, the smaller the large aggregate used.
It's hard to make a concrete slab any thinner than 3 inches.
Reading between the lines a little, maybe what you are looking for is a stained concrete floor??? There are several options. A bio based product is one option available from
If you haven't poured the concrete floor yet, another option is to have dye added into the mix so it comes out the color desired from the start. There are many color options available and your ready-mix supplier should be able to hook you up. Good luck.
It's actually not dye, but dry powdered pigments that are added at the batch plant to readimix concrete. The price depends on the mix ratio of 25# bags per yard - with color intensity varying from ¼ bag/yd to 1 bag/yd.
The advantage over in-place colorants or treatments is that the color is completely through the concrete and it's typically far less expensive.