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Stem wall interior & exterior poured, then build before slab?

MikefromtheMountainsofUtah | Posted in General Questions on

Gentlemen, my engineer said we could have our addition framed and dried in before having the slab poured.  

The reason I’m liking this idea is to have ample time to layout a very complex radiant heat design as well as how the sewer will be tied into.  

Other than framers complaining about working on dirt, is this possible?

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  1. andy_ | | #1

    It's possible, but don't be so quick to discount the framers complaint of working on just dirt. I for one, would either massively upcharge or pass on the job if that was the site condition. Have you ever framed a wall on dirt? No thanks.

    1. Expert Member
      DCcontrarian | | #4

      Presumably the only working on dirt is framing the floor of the first level, after that they have a floor to work on. That happens all the time on houses built over crawl spaces.

      On the other hand, the plumber can do the underfloor plumbing at the same time as the rest of the house. And he gets to work with a roof over his head.

      1. andy_ | | #7

        I read it as the first floor would be a concrete slab floor and that it wouldn't be poured before framing. A wood framed floor over a crawl or basement is pretty standard, but not building all of the walls without a flat deck of some kind to work off of.

  2. freyr_design | | #2

    Just figure out your design before starting your build. I agree that I would probably upcharge you the cost of building a level platform I could frame the walls on before tipping up. Figure out you layout and details before starting. I don’t know why people think it is something feasible or at all efficient to do during build.

    A radiant layout should be extremely fast if you have a plan.

    I would also upcharge you if I was the concrete sub.

  3. MikefromtheMountainsofUtah | | #3

    Thanks. I'll just look for someone to expedite the radiant installation. I wanted to do it myself but not if creates other hassles.

    1. Expert Member
      DCcontrarian | | #5

      And figuring out the design doesn't mean just routing the tubing, it means doing a heat loss calculation, calculating floor temperatures and flow rates and then figuring out tube spacing and loop lengths.

      That stuff isn't going to just happen to work.

  4. Malcolm_Taylor | | #6


    That's pretty common here as it avoids delays due to rain. You aren't really building on dirt, as all the sub-slab layers of sand and rock fill are in and compacted.

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