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Steel Ridge beam condensation control?

DamionL | Posted in General Questions on

Hi all, minimum R value for condensation control in my climate zone is R-5 (CZ3).  If I use 1.5” polyiso board totaling R-8.7 above the roof sheathing, will that also keep the steel ridge beam from having condensation issues as well? The only part of the roof with steel is the ridge beam, everything else is wood framed.

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  1. Expert Member


    Yes. The continuous exterior insulation moves the dew point to the foam. Everything inside - steel or wood - is protected.

    Watch the ends, which are often unprotected at the exterior walls.

    1. DamionL | | #2

      Thank you Malcolm, noted regarding the end, it sits on a wood post and I will attempt to use canned foam that area.

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