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“Steam” humidifiers

Peter Powell | Posted in Mechanicals on

I have a client who wants to install a Nortec RES steam humidifier in a gas fired forced air furnace system. The mechanical contractor insists that the first length of ductwork must be replaced with stainless steel with this type of humidifier. Does anyone have any experience with this recommendation and this type of humidifier. Thanks.

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  1. homedesign | | #1

    How about getting an Energy Audit
    Tighten up the House
    May not need a humidifier

  2. 50_Pascals | | #2

    An airsealed home, even poorly airselaed, will not need a humidifier. I recommend against humidifiers. Unless there is some interesting environmental requirement - for example classic instruments or artwork. Then elevated humidity isn't a bad idea, but the building needs to be built to take that stress.


  3. Peter Powell | | #3

    This is a new house still under construction, being built very well from an infiltration standpoint, and including an HRV, but the owner still insists on having the humidification system based on his health condition.

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