Spray painting copper gravity film heat exchanger
Hi all,
Installing a 72″ gravity film heat exchanger. In Philly, things made of copper tend to walk – I want to spray paint the GFX black so it looks like ABS.
I don’t care about adhesion, I just want to make sure that I’m not leaching anything into the copper. I’ve seen a million painted copper pipes, and am probably over thinking things. Googling results only in adhesion concerns!
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Copper is not porous, and it has very low reactivity. Paint won't bother it. Solvents in paint will just flash off the outside of the copper.
Out of curiosity, where will the heat exchanger be installed that makes it a theft target...?
Thanks! that's what we figured, too.
We've had break-ins at projects in Philly before and such random stuff gets stolen (sump pumps, shower valves, etc). This will eventually be in a soffit, but it's not time to close in the walls, and we have so many trades going in and out over the next few weeks that it doesn't make sense to board up. A $800 piece of solid copper seems like a shiny target :/