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Split air line set deformation question

worldlyone | Posted in Mechanicals on

Hello All,

I’m installing my my own split-air system with three zones. One is an 18k ceiling cassette that has a 1/2″ and 3/8″ line-set. Despite my best efforts, the 1/2″ copper got deformed when making a corner. It’s not kinked, exactly, but definitely deformed. So my question is, will it work with the deformation or have I botched the line-set, altogether? I’ve attached pictures.

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  1. wjrobinson | | #1

    Scott, I think all is OK. Restriction in piping that is limited in length has little effect IMO and it looks like a very small deformation too. Your manufacturer rep would be worth calling if your concern raises to such a level.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    GBA readers: Remember, use a tubing bender!

  3. charlie_sullivan | | #3

    Looks OK to me too. Main concern at this point is to be sure that bit doesn't get bent more and really collapse--maybe consider attaching a "splint" to it, e.g. some moderately flexible plastic tubing cut in half to fit around it, to prevent any more stress there.

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