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Some Concrete Curing Questions

SeanRyan | Posted in General Questions on

New build in CZ 6, basement foundation with a bearing wall in the middle of the basement footprint that divides the room and carries the floor trusses. The engineered specs call out waiting 14 days for the poured walls to cure before backfilling the inside and building up the slab (which in our case includes hauling in a significant amount of dirt since the property is so sloped and building up that basement slab). So for the poured walls, all makes sense there and is specified – wait 14 days for the walls.

I do have a couple other concrete curing questions though:
– Once the wall forms are stripped, how long should I wait before applying exterior dimple mat and waterproofing? Using the Polyguard system if that makes a difference
– Once the basement slab goes in, how long should we wait until beginning framing? By this point the walls will have already cured for about 15 days. On the slab, we really only need to frame that bearing wall in the middle so that it can support the floor system. 

Thanks all!

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  1. Malcolm_Taylor | | #1


    - You can put the dimple matt and damp roofing on as soon as the walls are stripped - as long as the manufacturer says it's alright.
    - Your walls will be more than strong enough to frame on after two weeks. If the slab is load-bearing, it should cure for seven days.

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