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Softlite and Quaker Windows

DIYJester | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

So I’ve got some quotes on the above two brands and about crapped my pants when I saw the difference in prices. Neither window is something super spectacular, but when you have over 200 sq. ft. of glass on one wall alone, it’s kind of hard to justify $100 a sq. ft on glazing.

The Softlite’s from what I can tell have the following ratings for a double hung window:
air leakage .02 scfm @ 25mph,
SGHC of .28.
Cost for a 3050 Twin: ~$920 each

The Quakers have these for a double hung : U-.26
air leakage .16 scfm @ 25 mph
SGHC as low as .21
Cost for a 3050 Twin: ~$340 each

–I know there is quite a big difference in the air leakage rates between the windows, overall there will 5 of these 3050 twins in the house. Since one of the Quakers would have as much leakage as all five Softlites, would this justify the nearly 2.5x cost?

–The larger windows are all picture windows so there shouldn’t be any comparison with the air leakage right? It should be 0 scfm?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    You might want to double-check the air leakage specs for the Quaker windows. The number may not be as bad as the number you are quoting. The image below shows the specs for Quaker double-hung windows. Here is the link:


  2. DIYJester | | #2

    Martin, that was the first one I saw too and thought .01 was nothing for the difference. The only problem is I believe the Manchester was the style quoted. I will have to verify this though.

    I should also add there are a total of 7 windows in the house that won't be picture windows. There are 10 picture windows in which, again, I don't think air leakage matters for.

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