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slim LED recessed lights for air sealed ceiling cavity

dirkgently | Posted in General Questions on

Hi, Doing double stud wall home and the underside of the roof trusses will have 1/2 foil faced polyiso attached along 2 layers of 1×3 strapping creating a checker board and sheetrock is attached to checkerboard.
This 1.5″ checkerboard cavity is supposed to be for ceiling wiring.  Unfortunately, I have 6-8 slim recessed lights planned for that ceiling. In reviewing the Cooper lighting instructions I find that the light fixture is IC compatible……however the power box supplying it needs 3″ of space all around it?
Does anyone know of a similar light which I can safely install in a ceiling cavity such as this?

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  1. jadziedzic | | #1

    Are you referring to something like the Cooper HLB series? They do have extension cables available to extend the distance between the power box and the fixture in 6-, 12-, and 20-foot lengths, which may allow you to mount the power box in a more spacious area.

    1. dirkgently | | #2

      Yes! The HLB SERIES. I will look into it further.....I thought there was 1 power box per light? Hopefully I am wrong.
      I want to set the lighting up so when there IS a failure I do not need to go up into 16" deep cellulose.

      1. Expert Member
        MALCOLM TAYLOR | | #3


        You will end up there at some point, if just for annual inspections. Make yourself a catwalk above the cellulose. I do it on every attic. If you do bury anything, mark it with a flag.

  2. Expert Member
    Akos | | #4

    You can get vapor barrier hats (at least here in the great white north). You could cut a hole in your rigid where you expect the lights to be and tape in hat. This will now give you plenty of space for the driver.

    You can also shop around a bit, some drivers don't need that much space.

  3. dirkgently | | #5

    Thanks Malcom, yes have full length catwalk. Also installed 2x12 verticle running parallel either side of catwalk about 7 feet away so a plank can span from catwalk to 2x12 to extend access

  4. dirkgently | | #6

    Have found slim lights which have only 1 driver power supply which can power 6 lights. Romex to driver then low voltage ine from there. Took some internet digging to find that type.
    1 hole in my polyiso air barrier will be all I need.
    Plan to mount driver near catwalk.
    Low voltage cable is 3o ft. Long.

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