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sliding door track in floor

Trevor_Lambert | Posted in General Questions on

I’m in the process of installing sliding door hardware for my closets. I got guides that go on the bottoms of the doors, and aluminum tracks. The two obvious ways of installing the tracks would be 1)on the floor, with a beveled piece on either side and 2)inset in the floor.

I was planning on option 2, but now I’m wondering, is there a compelling reason not to just route a channel into the floor that is the same depth and width as the interior dimensions of the aluminum channel? The guide is made of nylon, so I think that will sacrificially wear rather than the wood of the floor. There will be some seasonal movement of the floor, but both sides of the channel should move equally. As a fail safe, if I do get unexpected problems I have the option of routing it out wider to put the aluminum track in.

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  1. Expert Member
    Deleted | | #1


  2. Expert Member
    PETER Engle | | #2

    The aluminum channel will be more rugged than the wood. Enough to make a difference? Hard to tell. You could route the channel in the floor and if it wears or otherwise fails, route a bigger channel for a piece of aluminum sunk into the floor.

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