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slab on grade insulation requirements in zone 6 upstate NY

user-7694189 | Posted in General Questions on

slab on grade, single story, new build 1700 square foot home- just picked up the plans from my architect and he says I don’t need insulation under the slab only at the edges?!?

I’m aiming for a net zero energy home, building with R30 ICF blocks and european tilt-turn windows- curious what the group thinks my slab insulation should be?

considering using Glavel or foam, just not sure what R-value I should be aiming for- and don’t want to disqualify my house right off the get go with the slab.


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  1. crawfordesquire | | #1

    i'd tell your architect he's right- you don't need subslab insulation.
    you're building a new house. need is irrelevant. you're doing what you want within the realm of the budget.
    i'd do 5" eps in climate zone 6.

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