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slab for addition zone 5

nest_builder | Posted in General Questions on

Greetings All! 

I am building a 12×22 two story addition on a 600 square foot cabin with a crawl space (dirt floor, both block and poured perimeter walls).  The project is in North Eastern CT (Zone 5). I am trying to understand if I can use a monolithic slab or if I have to do stem walls and an independent slab. Cost and ease are issues, as is the building inspector who lives across the street! Folks have said everything from monolithic is the way to go to you cant use monolithic for an addition because they are designed to move… 

The project has no radiant floors, mini split/ducted system and wood stove, flash and batt for addition existing cabin is closed cell.

Thanks for any insight – 

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  1. nest_builder | | #1

    Anyone with any thoughts on this?
    Thank you!

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