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SIP Wall to Gable Corner Question

John_Brown | Posted in Green Building Techniques on

I am curious to hear if how a design pro might approach a SIP Wall corner at the gable end of a house. I have 2 choices as to whether to run the wall panel long or the gable panel long. Just curious to hear what the advantages to each approach might be. I don’t think either approach is structurally any different but there might be a difference that is not readily apparent to me. SIP mfg hasn’t been too helpful in elucidating the pros and cons.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

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  1. Expert Member

    The answer depends on what you are using for the roof. Is it trussed, stick-framed or SIPS?

  2. John_Brown | | #2

    Sorry I neglected to include that detail. Roof will be constructed of SIPs.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    I looked through the GBA detail library and didn't find an answer to your question.

    I'm surprised that your SIP manufacturer can't help.

    Below is a GBA detail that is unlikely to help you. (Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.)


  4. John_Brown | | #4

    Thanks Martin. No worries. The SIP manufacturer has said the panels could be run either way but my experience tells me there is more to this decision than meets the eye. One method has a bevel on the wall panel that limits electrical access and the other leaves a triangular void that requires a course of spray foam to seal. Not getting the level of diligence I wanted but maybe the Project Manager could be a better resource than the sales team. The SIPs are expensive and I am working on the electrical now (lots of planning is required as we all know with these) so I thought I might get some more guidance. One thing I really appreciate about GBA is the opportunity to solicit 2nd opinions on what a sub or a manufacturer recommends.

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