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Shrink Wrap

Jaahk | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Has anyone tried using shrink wrap under slab or to cover an entire building? I’ve used it to build temporary structures and cover boats. It’s really strong, puncture resistant UV stable and the shrink wrap tape sticks really well. Once heated it conforms to almost any shape. I am thinking about using it under a slab with radiant heat as I have a partial roll lying around. Any thoughts?

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    John, shrink-wrap looks and feels a lot like this product, Tu-Tuff:

    I don't know what the perm rating is for shrink-wrap. I would think it's pretty low but you would want to verify that. I would not cover an entire building with it, nor with any other vapor barrier.

  2. wjrobinson | | #2

    John, that's what I use, and have since 1992.

  3. Jaahk | | #3


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