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Should I put poly in the crawl space before the insulation, as the cedar shingles are what we are up against?

mrsdevoy | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

I am insulating the crawl space and have found one exterior wall that has 1 foot above the concrete just showing the cedar shingles on the exterior of the building. So should I poly the wall first then put on the insulation. Or should I continue to insulate then poly over top the insulation to run through the crawl space?

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  1. Donnco | | #1

    Clarify your question. Where are you? What thickness and type of insulation? What is the "poly" and where does it fit in the system? How is this crawlspace ventilated?
    Here is a question that probably has enough information that it could be answered. - I am working on the ground floor of a building built on a hillside, and 3 of the walls face outside, but one of the walls faces the slope of the hill. I am insulating conventionally framed 2x6 walls that have been sheathed with plywood. I am using R-19 kraft faced fiberglass batts. The one wall that I am insulating that faces the slope does not have plywood on it, and there is a retaining wall 1" away from the 2x6 framing. Should I attach 6 mil Visqueen to the back side of the framing before I insulate it ?

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    We need more information:

    1. Your climate zone.

    2. A description of your house -- for example, how old it is?

    3. A description of your crawl space -- for example, does it have a dirt floor?

    4. A description of your wall framing -- for example, are these balloon-framed walls?

    5. A description of the existing insulation in your above-grade walls -- are these walls insulated or uninsulated?

    6. An explanation of your goal -- Are you converting an existing vented crawl space into an unvented conditioned crawl space? If so, why? What type of insulation do your propose to install?

  3. mrsdevoy | | #3

    I am on Vancouver island BC. The home is one of the first built in my area sometime before the 1940.
    The crawl space has a dirt floor and the dirt is level with the footing of the foundation. The foundation is concrete bricks for 16 inches then strong milled wood is what begins to build the home, 8 by 8 cedar. However there are places that the beginning of the structure is exposed tot he outside and covered only by the cedar shingles on the exterior of the home. I believe my home is not insulated at all with the exception of paper on the attic floor. My goal is to convert the crawl space to an unvented space as this will keep down any moisture to come into the home through the floor. Also it will keep down smells. I have purchased korolite 3" 1by 8 r12 value.

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