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Seeking solar panel owners for pilot program in NYC

BrooklynMicrogrid | Posted in General Questions on
Hello Everyone,

We are in need of residential and commercial solar panel owners to participate in the energy marketplace that we are developing in New York City.  We have been granted permission by the Governor’s Office and the Department of Public Service to activate our software platform which will allow prosumers (i.e. solar panel owners) to sell the excess electricity their solar arrays generate to fellow New Yorkers.

We are seeking solar panel owners who would be interested in joining our pilot program.  No experience in the tech or energy sectors is required.  We are simply looking for people and businesses that want to positively affect the planet by making the excess solar power they generate accessible to other NYC residents.

If interested in receiving more information, please signup using the link below.

Thank you in advance, and please let us know if there are any other forums through which we can reach out to solar panel owners.


Brooklyn Microgrid

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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    How are you actually moving the energy around? It will take more than just software to make this work.


    1. BrooklynMicrogrid | | #2

      Hi Bill,

      Our software uses blockchain technology to track the amount of excess solar energy a prosumer puts back into the grid. That energy then becomes available for consumers to purchase. The sales and purchases are tracked using our technology which is integrated with ConEdison's smart meters.

      Our software is already up and running in other parts of the U.S. and the world.

      Brooklyn Microgrid

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