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Sealing Top of Rigid Insulation Necessary?

aberrant | Posted in General Questions on

I used rigid insulation directly against my poured concrete foundation wall as I’m finishing my MA basement. I sealed the gaps between panels, corners and I sealed the bottom of the panels where they meet the floor. I did not seal the top of them. Will this cause issues with air moving up from between the foam board and the concrete and into the gap between the top of the foam board and my firestop and potentially causing issues with the sill plate? Attaching a picture for reference below (referring to “Air Hole” in the picture)

I already have the walls up in front of the foam board and full Roxul insulation so it would be very difficult to get spray foam in between the top of the foam board and the concrete but I could possibly do it if absolutely necessary. I just want to understand any issues that may arise if I don’t seal the top.

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  1. aberrant | | #1

    I could stuff some rockwool in the air pocket as well but I'm not sure if that would accomplish the same thing as sealing with spray foam or if it would even do anything?

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